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Coaching Services

Sea Shore

I refer to myself as a Jac of All Trades.

(Get it? It's a play off my name? Huh? OK I'll stop.)


Why would you want a coach who is a Master of None? 

The actual full quote is, "A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one."

(It's actually a compliment, see? Like it's an overall good thing to know a bunch of things? A wide range of knowledge isn't bad? OK I'll stop.)

Areas of Focus

These are some of the main areas that I focus on, but as alluded to above, I have had experience coaching in a variety of areas.


Click on Let's Chat to schedule a FREE Discovery Chat with me to see if I'm the right fit for you!


Note: many other factors can affect progress in these areas: mental and/or physical health, grief, etc. I am not a therapist or mental health professional, but we can explore how these play into these areas.



I can help you define (or rediscover) what your values are, so that you can start making decisions based on your heart and not your head.

Far too often in our society, we are told to use only our heads, to go after money, and to only strive for material things. In turn, we may end up compromising our values in the process. Let's flip that thinking and focus on  no longer compromising your values.

Book and Headphones


Storytelling is one of the best ways that we can build relationships and connections to people. Do you need to tell your story in front of legislators to get a bill passed? Or do you need to tell your story to possible investors in your nonprofit? Or have you been telling someone else's story for so long that you no longer know what your own story is? I can help you navigate all of this, so that you can tell your truth more effectively.

doing work together


Are you having a hard time seeing yourself as a leader? Or unsure how to lead? Do you get overwhelmed with the idea of setting goals for yourself and your team? Say no more, fam. We will bring it back to values and establish what values you want to embody as a leader. We will focus on tools and techniques to help empower leadership in others, so you don't have to carry the weight of it all.


These will be subject to change at some point in 2023 because the ever-growing cost of existing on this planet will probably make me push my hand to do so.


However, if you are an existing client of mine, whatever rate you signed your agreement at will be the rate that I will honor.

Golden Hour

One 1-hour session for $70

Do you wanna just get a taste test of my coaching style? I get it. I don't like to be roped into anything long term that I'm not fully sure if I need, so here's the Golden Hour option. We'll cut to the chase and I can coach you on whatever you want in our hour together.

Golden Rule

Five 1-hour sessions for $300

This is the package that I would recommend to most people, as I coach most effectively when I can get to know you better and we have multiple sessions to talk through things. I want to make sure that we come up with a path forward that works best for you and how your brain works.

Golden State

Ten 1-hour sessions for $600

You wanna get down and deep into some stuff? Then this is the package for you. We can work through as many topics as possible together in 10 hours. This is for the people who may needs some coaching in a few areas and don't wanna feel any time constraints.

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